Sunday, August 20, 2023

Welcome to the 4th Degree!!

 Welcome to the 4th Degree!!
Left to Right
Antonio Chavez, Felix Fierros, Isaiah Sein
Saturday, August 19, 2023

Saturday, August 19, 2023

GK Wed, August 16, 2023

 From the Desk of the Grand Knight:

Wed, August 16,  2023

Greeting Brothers All!!!

Based on most recent past meeting attendance and arrival start times,
the average arrival time is 6:30pm.

The updated officer and general membership meeting time is 6:30pm.
Adjournment time is 8:00pm.

6:30pm-7:00pm Refreshments
7:00pm-8:00pm Meeting

The meeting days remain as:
1st Monday of the month is for officers.
2nd Monday of the month is for the general membership.

Mondays were historically selected by the membership as most accommodating to the membership
and therefore remain status quo. At that time the membership voted to have first and second Mondays
as conducent to individual schedules therefore were scheduled as meeting dates and times.

Also, please consider volunteering for bringing food, drink for the membership meetings.
You may either donate the goods or receipt the council for reimbursement.
Officers to discuss bringing food for the officer's meetings.

VOLUNTEERS: Additional volunteers are needed for the KoC BBQ Chicken and Sausage fundraiser
scheduled to be held on Sunday, October 01, 2023, from 11:00am - 2:00pm.
All posts remain open even if already selected. Remember that this is a major KoC fundraiser
that not only helps the KoC council but supports several of the charities we assist.
Without volunteers there is no BBQ Chicken and Sausage fundraiser.

REMEMBER: one hour of volunteering is better than zero hours.
ALSO: Our Most Holy Supreme Grand Knight, Jesus Christ, will be there to help us.

In His service!
Vivat Jesus!
Viva Cristo Rey!

Michael, GK

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

GK Michael to the Knights 1.08/23


“Now is the time for all good Knights come to the aid of their council”

Brothers, we have several new ways to see our council in action and see the latest news. 

Listed are:


Facebook: San Antonio KC 8738

And form 100 recruitment:

The blog site (think private website). This site is for information specifically for our council and members. I would refer to this site for latest information, meeting times and recruitment of new members.

Facebook is for relative info to be displayed to the public of our activities at our church and other sites, local and nationwide how other councils are progressing.

We also have a new email address for those who are interested in our council but don’t know our current Grand Knight’s email. It will be posted on the FB and Blogsite.

Our council is moving to an all-on-line status. If you wish to sign in a new member, we can refer you to form 100 which is now on-line.

Our council, Council 8738, has started out on a positive note by hosting The Knights of Columbus BBQ Chicken and Sausage fundraiser to be held on Sunday, October 01, 2023 from 11:00am to 2:30pm. The fundraiser is a “To Go” event and expected to draw a large number of parishioners, their friends and families. All are welcomed. 

This is an example of one of the many activities the Knights utilize to fulfill our personal commitment to Time, Talent and Treasure. Other opportunities that our council engage in is the several various charities in and around our parish of St. Anthony de Padua.

We will discuss a sign-up sheet and accept volunteers for various responsibilities/duties for the BBQ Chicken and Sausage event. Discussion will take place at the monthly council meeting on Monday, August 14 from 6pm to 8pm (meeting time). Some key positions have already been requested and assigned but there still remains other vital roles. Please consider volunteering your time and talent at this event.

Also, when attending a Knights of Columbus council meeting and/or event, please wear your Knights polo or Knights shirt. This is our council’s request of each other. This also includes any Knights name badge you may have. It is also important and warranted that each of us carry our Knights of Columbus membership card. When attending our council or any other council that you may visit, you must present your membership card.

This brings me to another element of our membership in this great fraternity. It poses the question as to why you joined the Knights of Columbus to begin with and have you attended any meetings and/or events to help, aid and assist our council?

Remember the day that you received your degrees and were introduced to other Knights that welcomed you into the fraternity. Our wives, our families are a main ingredient in belonging to the fraternity. They supported us then and prayerfully hope they support you now. It is through them that we are better men, better Knights and better Christians. The Spirit that moved you then is the same Spirit today. He never left you.

Brothers all, when you can attend a monthly meeting, then please do so. It would be great to reacquaint ourselves with each other. When you can’t make a meeting, then please check your emails periodically for updates. Also, please volunteer some of your time to assist in KoC events. A small amount of time is better than none.

In His service!

Vivat Jesus!

Viva Cristo Rey!

Michael J. Lecocke, Grand Knight Council 8738

Saturday, August 5, 2023

BBQ Oct 1st

 For More Information:

Text: Michael Lecocke:


or any KC member at church or at our booth and breakfast.

Last Years Recipients