Saturday, July 15, 2023

 St. Anthony de Padua-Knights of Columbus

Council 8738  San Antonio, TX

Installation Ceremony:

Saturday, July 8, 2023

New Officers for year 2023-2024


 New Officers for year 2023-2024 

Grand Knight                 Michael LeCocke

Deputy Grand Knight    Felix Fierros

Chancellor                      Osbaldo Iracheta

Recorder                         Antonio Chavez

Treasurer                        Tom Duesing

Financial Sec 3yr            Armando Ynostrosa

Advocate                        Jack Barnum

Warden                            Grover Dial

Inside Guard                    William Lewis

Outside Guard                  William Wittman

3rd Yr  Trustee                    Robt Luna

2nd Yr Trustee                    Nestor Moreno

1 Yr Trustee                        Miguel Sesate

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Do You Remember Why You Joined?


Hello St. Anthony Knight's of Columbus,

                “We are Catholic men who lead, serve, protect and defend. We share a desire to be better husbands, fathers, sons, neighbors and role models and to put charity and community first”.

                Do you know how inflation has affected seniors on a fixed income? Do you see how our children’s educational costs are being driven higher? Where do you look in your community that you see help needed?

                My name is Jack Barnum and I am a new Knight with the St. Anthony Council. I am happy to join our proud organization in delivering help with food, scholarships, and providing help in our community where we can lend a hand.

Before Covid hit we had a flourishing chapter providing a lot of assistance to our community. Activity became restricted and the Knights had to reduce efforts in how we could help our community due to the limited contact we were advised to have with the community to keep people safe.

Now that Covid is Over we are suiting back up and re-engaging the community with the new needs that Covid has left us. I have come to understand that you joined the St. Anthony KOC Chapter to be part of a fellowship of men, to build new friendships, to give back to your community, and to be the shining light for people in need when we are called upon.

I am going to ask that you take a few days to reflect on why you joined the KOC. Now that Covid is over I am going to ask you to re-engage and help our chapter build back and then past what we were doing before. To show by our actions the god we stand for and who we are as an organization.

This could be as simple as attending a one-hour meeting monthly to see and hear what has been done, what we are doing, and what we plan to do. This could be helping for 90 minutes 1-2 times a month when we host a taco breakfast at our parish.  It could even be giving 1-2 hours every other month, to give back to your community and lend a hand with what the Knights of Columbus are doing that is speaking to your heart of what you want to be involved in.

If you are working full time and have a family like I do, we understand finding time can be challenging. I love this quote by Napoleon Hill “If you can’t do great things, do small things in a great way” We currently have a strong base of men in our Chapter and we are launching to build back. If only  25 inactive Knights re-engaged at 1 hour a month that is 25 hours a month 300 hours a year. That would be helping the organization do small things in a great way!!!

Please give me a call or send me an email so we can have a brief conversation about recommitting to our chapter and helping the need our community has.

Rosary Prayer: Each Wednesday 7:00pm – Group prayer so strong!!! Be part of a                      caring community of men and women praying for each other through the rosary.

Be Blessed Council 8738.

Best Regards,

                Jack Barnum

Last Years Recipients